Frequently Asked Questions
No contracts. Pay-as-go subscription allows you to sign up and cancel anytime.
MenuStar provides many ways for you to receive orders. Orders can be received via email, fax, phone, or tablet device. Our options require minimum or no change to your current setup.
Setup is fast and easy. Our highly trained operators can get you up and running, ready to take orders in 2-4 days.
No problem… Just let us know and we’ll take care of it. We will have you setup from start to your first order.
Yes, MenuStar’s online ordering can be added directly to your website. All we have to do is add an online ordering widget to your website.
Yes. You will be able to accept all major credit cards. Paypal payment is also accepted.
Absolutely. MenuStar’s program allows you to effectively market to your customers. Create as many coupons, specials, or discounts are you’d like, whenever you’d like.
There are no limits. Create as big as a menu as you’d like. Cater to as many customers as you can handle.
Not at all… With a few pointers from our support staff, we guarantee you will be able to use the MenuStar system in a manner of minutes.